Student portal

The built-in statistics portion of the Student Portal allows you to track engagement by seeing who is reading what and when. It also makes contact with students quick and simple.

Place all the knowledge your students require in one convenient location. The student portal displays the school news and bulletins you need on a global scale, along with student-specific data for each child.

Each student will be able to quickly view their schedules, teaching teams, class schedules, exam information, incentives and detentions, extracurricular activities and sports, school reports, and even fully completed self-assessments.

Parent Portal

Parents portal

The Parent Portal offers the parents’ gateway into school life, offering them a much more accurate and comprehensive view than many will receive from their children. You select the content you want to offer, and the portal provides statistics on how it is accessed.

Timetables, teaching groups, attendance, registration, disciplinary information, exam information, activity group information, school reports, and the most recent school news are all available for sharing.

Additionally, you can publish electronic forms like consent forms, distribute bulletins and other information via email, upload specific documents, and more.

Teachers’ portal

Teachers can view personalized information about the classes that have been allocated to them by logging into their personal accounts. They can access student profiles, lessons, and events that are scheduled, as well as remarks that administrators have contributed.

Teacher Portal